nKrafty eBook – 15 Projek Kreatif Bertema Di Rumah Untuk Ibu Bapa & Kanak-Kanak

RM 25






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NALURI Kreatif nKrafty eBook is designed to help parents who want to support their kid’s learning through creative projects at home.


What you’ll get from nKrafty eBook:

  • 15 bugs-themed creative projects with unique activities for each project, suitable for 4-6 year old kids
  • 15 parenting tips to assist parents throughout creative projects
  • FREE 7-pages bugs-themed worksheet


NALURI nKrafty eBook 4-6 Years

Publisher : NLI Education Sdn Bhd (1088799-H)

Age : 4 – 6 years

Language : Bahasa Melayu

Pages : 126 Pages