NALURI Kreatif Playhouse
A great place to be, providing comfort, igniting curiosity, and celebrating spontaneity in young children
NALURI Kreatif Playhouse
NALURI Kreatif Playhouse provides a home-like environment, celebrating toddler’s nature to play and building their interest and awareness of themself and the environment. Specially designed for toddlers 1 to 3 years old, our Playschool programme aims for holistic development in a child in their early years, soonest.
Our Young Explorers
As building the windows of opportunity to learning are given importance to our young explorers, sensory and physical exposure, language and communication, social emotional well being and daily life growing up skills are given attention.
Children's Happiness
In fulfilling our mission, children’s happiness is of utmost importance. We are proud to share that we have a small teacher-toddler ratio, as outlined by the government, is well observed by NALURI Playhouse. This will enable us to have close interaction with our children and make them feel appreciated.

Play & Explore without Hassle
Play stations and learning areas are designed in a manner to invite self directedness in learning. Reading and pretend play corner, drama and soft toy areas, manipulatives and early maths unit, language and literacy unit, self help area and utilities, art and messy play area, gardening and cooking utilities, water and sand play, playground equipment and wide range of self drive playcars to stimulate kids imagination and their physical development needs and finally our green wide nature garden for kids to run, play and explore without hassle.
Natural Environment
Learning about colors in their natural environment provide children wiith the much needed connection to understand their expanding world.
Exposure of Indoor & Outdoor
Our playhouse programme aims to nurture kids to be able have a balance exposure of indoor and outdoor so much needed in grooming a contented happy child.The strong foundation will act as a catapult putting our children readyfor their next phase of challenge into the preschool and the bigger world.

NALURI Kreatif Playhouse is based on these core principals:
- Play-Based Learning
- Thematic Learning
- Islamic Value & Routine
- Continuous Development Assessment
- Outdoor Learning Space
- Station-Based Exploration